Wyno ZwanenburgPublic Affairs FoodNL


Wyno Zwanenburg has been responsible for Public Affairs and lobbying for Food NL in Brussels since 2019. Food NL is an alliance of three triple helix agrifood-regions in the Netherlands. Together they (Agrifood Capital, Greenport Venlo and Regio Foodvalley) form the largest food production regions in Europe.


Wyno Zwanenburg has been active in the agri-food sector throughout his working life. During that period, he has not only gained a great deal of expertise and experience in various positions, but has also built up a broad network within and outside the sector. He combines the activities for Food NL with his other consultancy activities. He guides and advises organizations, companies and entrepreneurs in the food and agri-business with regard to business operations, market strategy, business development, lobbying and communication.


T.  +31 (0)6 51 10 33 90
E. w.zwanenburg@home.nl